How to Save Time, Energy, and Money with Proper Food Temperature Monitoring

By accurately measuring the temperature of food being stored in a freezer or refrigerator (no matter its size), businesses like restaurants and hotels are able to conserve their most precious resources: employee time, operating costs, and energy output.


Because sensors are continuously monitoring temperatures, business staff doesn’t have to check it manually. This drastically cuts down on the effort spent monitoring and recording food temperatures. Businesses know that proper food storage is important, but Sigfox-enabled sensors make it possible to make the process much less painful by doing it automatically. What’s more, with alerts sent via SMS or notification when there’s an increase or drop in temperature, employees can focus on operations and food preparation, not making sure the temperature is ideal for storage.


By tracking food temperature, we can determine that food is being stored at its ideal temperature. This may lead to being able to adjust the refrigerator or freezer to conserve energy by only making it work as hard as it needs to (instead of keeping things colder than they need to be). Even being able to adjust the temperature a few degrees can save on energy use.

This is friendlier to the environment, as businesses strive to only use as much energy (like electricity, gas, and water) that they need to. If all businesses in the food service industry had optimized food storage, energy use could drastically decrease. By focusing on optimizing appliances, businesses can better streamline their impact on the environment.


By cutting down on energy costs, business owners can also cut down on utility bills. This can help owners divert funds to other areas of the business that need it, like more staff, building repairs, or a better experience for customers.

In addition to decreased utility bills, business owners can also save money by cutting down on food waste. According to the Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations, food waste makes up an estimated over 1.3 billion tonnes of discarded food globally each year. With proper temperature control, some of this food waste can be averted, as businesses won’t have to throw food away due to it being kept at too high of a temperature for long periods of time.